„Anti-Muslim Racism in Europe: Social Effects and Actions to Counter it” – International Online Conference

Anti-Muslim racism has become increasingly prominent in European public spheres in recent years. Racist and antisemitic attacks, the increasing strengthening of right-wing populist movements and the current social crises negatively influence the sense of security and sense of belonging of (Muslim) minorities across Europe. On 23rd November 2022, the international conference: “Anti-Muslim Racism in Europe: Social Effects and Actions to Counter it” took place to further investigate these phenomena.

You find the fincal documentation of the conference here: Documentation of the Conference „Anti-Muslim Racism in Europe“ (PDF).

You can read and download the programme of the international conference here: Programme of the conference „Anti-Muslim Racism in Europe“ (PDF).

In case of inquiries please contact: openmind@la-red.eu.

Am 23. November 2022 führte das Projekt die internationale Online-Tagung “Anti-Muslim Racism in Europe: Social Effects and Actions to Counter it” durch. Im Vordergrund der Tagung standen die Auswirkung von antimuslimischem Rassismus auf das Sicherheits- und Zugehörigkeitsgefühl von Muslim*innen und anderen Minderheiten in Europa.

Die Dokumentation der Tagung können Sie hier lesen und herunterladen: Dokumentation der internationalen Tagung „Anti-Muslim Racism in Europe: Social Effects and Actions to Counter it“ (PDF).

Das Programm der internationalen Tagung können Sie hier lesen und herunterladen: Programm der internationalen Tagung „Anti-Muslim Racism in Europe: Social Effects and Actions to Counter it“ (PDF).

Für Rückfragen schreibe Sie bitte an: openmind@la-red.eu.